
I'm Michaël (Thou Art Potato), a French Canadian animator/artist.
Follow me on my quest to create cute & simple animations!

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Still frames

Logo test

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Hen wanted to create a starting screen, some alerts & transitions for them and their friends!

Assets & sketches

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Ironmouse's talent manager asked me to create transition & alerts for them featuring some cinnamon rolls and Bubi!

Assets & sketches

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Melody wanted me to create animated alerts for them!

Assets & sketches

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Geega wanted me to make monster designs for their 3 factions (undead, creatures, monsters) and various stream assets for them!

Assets & sketches

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Enviosity asked me to create alerts & transition featuring their cute little slime!

Assets & sketches

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Camilla wanted me to design some carnival mini-games for their stream!

Assets & sketches

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Hay approached me to create various stream assets for them!

Assets & sketches

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Clickbait asked me to create a transition for them!

Assets & sketches

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Bri asked me to create some alerts & transitions featuring various cookies!

Assets & sketches

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Kalce was the first person to ask me to create a stinger transition!

Assets & sketches

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Bun wanted to create some cute alerts for their stream featuring their mascot!

Assets & sketches

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The Story

As a child I always had a passion for arts & crafts. During classes you'd see me doodle on my homework or use any paper to make some origami. I didn't know what I wanted to be but I knew it had to be related to the arts. Flash forward a few years, after graduating from university with a degree in graphic design, my friend Kalce asked me to design a stinger transition for their stream and I said yes! I now work with streamers of all sizes to create cute little animated alerts & transitions!

The Inventory

  • Paint Tool SAI

  • After Effects

  • Illustrator

  • Photoshop

A random collection of projects on my way to level up!

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A random collection of projects on my way to level up!

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A random collection of projects on my way to level up!

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